The Carmine Savanna Geographic Location in The Eagrela Chronicles: Onward Towards Death | World Anvil

The Carmine Savanna

The Carmine Savanna biome is a vast grassland with patches of clay and sand, both having a tinge of red to it that stains most mundane materials with prolonged exposure. Widely spaced trees pock the region, preventing any sort of closed canopy and thus allowing a lot of sunlight into the biome. There are frequent transitional zones of grasslands into patches of deserts that once again switch back to grasslands. The savanna has a dry climate. In the wet season, temperatures are usually warm. In the dry season, the temperature can be either extremely hot or extremely cool. This combination makes the savanna perfect for brush fires on the grasslands. The savanna biome has a wide variety of plants and animals that have adapted to the ecosystem and climate there. With warm weather year round, a comfortable climate, nutrient-rich soil, available water sources, plenty of sunlight, soil, and precipitation during the wet season, the diversity of flora and fauna abound.

Among the savanna of dry brush grass and lone standing trees are several hills that overlook the region. The small channels of water that snake through the landscape during the dry season will swell during the wet one.

Localized Phenomena

The dry season typically begins with a series of violent thunderstorms that lead to strong dry winds. These winds, combined with the dry weather, can often promote the quick spread of fires, which cause animals to flee the area. During this time, rifts to the Plane of Fire will open up and rains of black cinders and embers will begin to rain down and leave large swatches of blacken charred landscape. Extreme heat bleeds out and increases the temperatures further. On rare occasions, creatures from this elemental plain will be summoned through the event such a magmins, fire elementals, and even salamanders.

Fauna & Flora

Dominant flora in the savanna include the jackalberry tree, scutch grass, lemongrass, ephedra brush, knifeleaf trees, and adansonia trees. Much of the plant life produces grasses or fruit which herbivores that inhabit the region take great delight in, a key source to their carbohydrate diets. Dominant fauna include axe beaks, baboons, crocodiles, leopards, antelope, wild horses, snakes, elephants, and rhinos. Prey often conceal themselves by camouflaging and hiding from animals higher up on the food chain. Traveling in large herds is also a tactic utilized by those lower on the food chain.
  Kobold lairs dot the landscape in the form of burrows or long forgotten ruins. The reptiles feud with one another over treasures that have been stolen back and forth for as long as their tribes have been established. Many of the kobolds in this region have red, glossy scales that reflect the sunlight and heat from the day. Scholars speculate that over the years the red clay has gotten into the reptile's diet and has colored the monster's hides. The kobolds of this region are fairly feral but still seem to adhere to utilizing traps and tricks to snatch up goods from any caravans stupid enough to fall for one of their ploys.
  One of the most dangerous group of inhabitants of the region is a gnoll war band simply referred to as "Bone Mongrels". These monsters roam the savanna and are a constant threat to its inhabitants. The pack of grizzly hunters are easily identified by the bone piercings from their prey that adorn their hides, marking each good kill and feast they have had. Reports of these monsters utilizing crude weaved grass nets to capture prey to consume later punctuate their bloodthirsty natures. When near, animals go feral and become vicious, the demonic taint of the gnoll this across the savanna. Led by a powerful red and white fur stained gnoll, the monsters are given a wide birth by other fauna.
"The land be hot and the beasts be fierce. Only thing that bothered me was that damn red clay. Gonna be scrubbin' me boots for a forenight!" 
-Bralan Cragborn, dwarven archeologist
Inhabiting Species