Population of Fellbright in The Eagrela Chronicles: Onward Towards Death | World Anvil

Population of Fellbright

The refugees of Fellbright varied in race, social class, and professions. Since the settlement has been established, the population has intermingled and has a very basic social structure with no real hierarchy as all cooperate just to survive. Some noted members of the community are:  
  • Quinton and his daughter Anika work at breaking wild horses and maintaining those that are trained to keep the fields plowed and passage into the savanna quick and safe.
  • Nelrid  is a red dragonborn that has taken his role as the main craftmason to the hamlet. Versatile in his youth with the forge and working in metallurgy, the tasking of providing metal goods and tools seemed to have defaulted onto him. A gruff and stoic sort, the dragonborn takes little company in small talk besides the occasional kobold or like-minded customers.
  • Faeviel  is an herbalist and a midwife who has taken up the role of a sort of healer and brewer of medicine to the community. A half-elf approaching the twilight of her life, the old woman is sweet and motherly to the inhabitants of the hamlet, despite the various blends of races. She enjoys reading and rocking in her chair in her garden as her lack of movement make it difficult to get around.
  • Alderman Conrad has fallen into the role of a sort of mayor of the hamlet, aiding in direction and development of the minds and the structures. Conrad can be found reading or writing books in the community halls where he spends most of his free time pouring his wellspring of knowledge down onto paper for others to read. He is a very busy man but does his best to better the community in a fair and just way.
  • Madilyn's  father was a tavern owner in a small community that was lost in a fire. Both her and her father were badly burned and those scars linger on her in both a physical and mental capacity. Traveling to Fellbright was rough for both of them but the death of her father in the savanna was particularly hard. The young woman now does the best she can at maintaining a sort of locals tavern to have some sense of normality to everyone's life at the The Laughing Stone.
  • Almost everyone trades or purchases something in the market stalls and tent. Reiner (DECEASED) is a leading farmhand that helps ensures all that grow and make products sell to provide for their family accordingly and no one goes hungry. His wife, Katelyn (DECEASED), is expecting their second child while their young daughter, Saige, is hoping for a brother.
  • Walsh (DECEASED) and Freida  are both former soldiers and rangers in Asheria's guard. They have ensured that the militia in the hamlet is properly trained and no one is without some sort of combat knowledge in case of emergencies. While Walsh is more into warfare theories and basic defense, Freida is a scout and knows more on tactics and elements of surprise.
  • Nostin (DECEASED) is a dwarf who runs the lumberyard and maintains output of all raw wood products. A stump of a man, even by dwarven standards, Nostin is hardy and barrel chested from years of working in his profession. Fiery red hair and a thick braided beard to cover the fur of his chest, he works hard and plays just as hard.
  • Gozbert (DECEASED) is a halfling hunter and trapper who collects pelts of small animals and wild game. He is a knowledgeable sort who is cheery hearted and takes like with a gusto of experience. While it is certainly dangerous to explore the lands alone, Gozbert never goes too far into the savanna.
  • Thalanil (DECEASED) is an elven scholar that spends his days either reading in the community hall, teaching the youth of the hamlet, or wandering. The elder is full of stories and has spent decades on various topics. Many see the elf as the true senior of the hamlet but Thalanil defers to the alderman. One of the most recent hobbies and studies the elf has picked up is agricultural design and crop irrigation techniques.