Maltrud, the God of Magic and Knowledge Character in The Eagrela Chronicles: Onward Towards Death | World Anvil

Maltrud, the God of Magic and Knowledge

The Divine Mind, The One-Tongued Sage

When a simple quill begins to scribble on a parchment, it invites Maltrud's guidance in hand. Knowledge is found everywhere and while the domain of magic and knowledge falls in many spheres of influence, Maltrud ultimately controls them all. The more Maltrud's influence spreads, the more the wellspring flows back into the world and enrich it further with Maltrud's influence.   Magic is not innately good or evil. Just as those who use an axe can wield it as a tool or a weapon. It is ultimately on the individual who wields it as such and to what end. The same principle can be applied to magic. While the races of the realm are just beginning to rekindle their magical abilities from the time of darkness, aspects of the god have always been within the world, just in a different form. Ancient scriptures and tomes speak of magic in a different form, one that had to be coaxed gently by bending the rules of reality just enough.    Maltrud's form is undefined. The god takes up various aspects of the magic thus there is no defined avatar. Those who follow the god's practices have claimed to have been spoken to by various vassals in various ways. Alchemists claim that interpretation of residues within bowls and containers give some insight in the god's nature. Spellcasters that suddenly pull words and incantations from the ether and scribble down nonsensical scripture into spells are communicating directly with the god directly.     Maltrud and Ignem believe to have a love/hate relationship with one another. Maltrud is coaxed to assists with crafting of wondrous magical items via his knowledge of magical materials while Ignem's flames and raw power helps pulverize raw ingredients for alchemic purposes. Trapping magical essence within a physical shell is akin to a sin to some followers of Maltrud. Ritualistic destruction of magical items by Maltrud's followers is a common practice and can gleam insight to the god's thinkings and can be a way to communicate with the entity.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols that are used to denote worship can include talismans from polished rectangular stones aligned with schools of magic, copper plates inscribed with runes, a simple mortar and piston, and a owl's petrified eye or treated talon. Spell books with one of these symbols as a clasp are quite common.     Resonance: Sapphires, crystals, spider webs, looms, owls   Worshipers: Alchemist, herbalist, spellcasters, historians

Tenets of Faith

  1. Magic and knowledge is a wellspring to be shared to all
  2. Magic and knowledge should never be used as might over another
  3. Magic and knowledge should be respected and not used flippantly 

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