{FV} 9.18a What Great Friends We Are Plot in The DesChaverse | World Anvil
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{FV} 9.18a What Great Friends We Are

Morning I’m late. I’m running with Miso Soup, BD comes up behind me with some slab of meat on a rotisserie stick, and Paul has a bouquet of flowers WHEN ALL OF A SUDDEN THIS GIANT SPACE ROBOT TRUCK THING ATTACKED! Luckily, my homeroom teacher saved me, though I couldn’t say the same for Paul and BD. Eh, I’ll get them later.   Lunch time Caetlin had to remind me of the Senta match. I AM FILLED WITH ABSOLUTE SHAME AS I EAT MY KATSUDON! Then BD and Paul appears. Apparently, I didn’t need to pick them up after all. BUT THEY ATE MY KATSUDON! AND OH MY GOD DID I JUST GET KNOCKED OUT BY CHARLOTTE AGAIN?! AND NOO! I DON’T HAVE ANY MORE KATSUDON! But they showed remorse. They are truly great friends.   Club activities Whose idea was the training regimen? A truck tire tied on a rope hanging on a tree? I’m supposed to catch that thing while it swings towards me? WHAT IS THIS ELECTRIC FENCE BEHIND ME FOR?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TRAIN WITH THIS THING? I had it asked to remove it and they voted for me. Even Paul, though he seemed to be late at raising his hand. Truly a great friend. WAIT, THEY ADDED METAL BEARINGS TO THE TIRE NOW?!   After club activities Some group of thugs were talking to me. Seems rather odd that they would talk to a guy like me though, so I told them about the time I ran away from Momoyuri all by myself when all of a sudden, this guy with goggles appear and kicked their asses. So while he left, I took the thugs wallets and dropped them off a nearby police station. Truly, I am a role-model for the youth everywhere.


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