Ogre Statues / Zombies / Sombrés Item in The Delta of a Thousand Teeth | World Anvil
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Ogre Statues / Zombies / Sombrés

Large (5ft+) and made of smooth, dark rock. Obsidian?

Sombre style, arms crossed. Multiple sightings in Dorbard South's hills. Reports of disturbance near base, akin to footprints.

Adventurers have spread rumours that these statues may in fact be zombies. Assuming it's true, why and how these came to be on Dorbard South remains a mystery.


The rumours concerning zombies were confirmed via No Luck Nick & Skamos Ea during a Drake hunting expedition. Apparently, the statues transform into aggressive beings at night and may pose a threat to the residents of Deadpoint.

Skamos has dubbed the creatures "sombrés."




Further reporting

Nick and Karick arrive — DPD Vol 5, Iss 1

New souls, old trails — DPD Vol 5, Iss 2

Brouhaha about town, brouhaha abroad — DPD Vol 5, Iss 3


Item type
Current Location
Only sighted on Dorbard S. so far.
Heavy enough to crush a small cart
8ft tall when active. Typically buried about 3ft into the ground when statues. Big around as a large tree.

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