Brouhaha about town, brouhaha abroad Report in The Delta of a Thousand Teeth | World Anvil
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Brouhaha about town, brouhaha abroad

General Summary

The Deadpoint Drift | Vol 5 Issue 3

From the Desk of Jill Cannirunnipelt

Folks, it's been a wacky week, with the most excitement Deadpoint has seen since the Whaler Festival almost half a decade past.

The new arrivals are to thank, or blame. Our friends with the Aquan Vorwash arrested No Luck Nick for alleged pick-pocketing, a charge he claims was a huge misunderstanding. It seems there are no hard feelings in the end, as the Halfing has pledged a donation of 5gp to the guards as a sign of good faith.

Skamos Ea, an entertainer fresh in from Port Tessalad, has livened up The Kedge with a few performances. The reception to these performances has been mixed. One sailor remarked, "That thing with the flickerin' fire was a sight t'see, but what was with that there rackety contraption he done blowin' through? Was it music?"

Zombie sightings confirmed

But the top story concerns zombie activity on Dorbard South. Skamos and Nick, who became fast friends after meeting at The Kedge, took up a drake hunting sortie out to the Dorbard hills. They noticed footprints about the bases of ogre statues.

"We saw one, and we tied it down," says Skamos, of one of the seemingly lifeless statues. "We attacked it, it did nothing."

But then night fell.

"It came to life! In reality, it was an ogre zombie. We started firing at this motherfucker, Nick landed two shots to the head, but missed several others," Skamos tells The Drift, in a flurry of excitement. There seems to be some disgreement between the adventurers as to how many shots were missed, but in the end the pair managed to fell the "very aggressive" creature. They maintain that the zombies are a threat to Deadpoint, although this reporter is skeptical regarding the seafaring capacity of such beasts.


New tech, new adventurers

In other news, The Airspear Origin Society tells us that their alchemists have discovered a way to create acid resistant leather. For those curious, please speak to Ogompchy.

There is also rumour from the sailing community that yet another contingent of adventurers has made the waypoint at Port Tessalad, and should be on our shores within the fortnight. One can only assume things will stay interesting around here—the Drift may need to hire a deputy correspondent!

Rewards Granted

Skamos Ea, No Luck Nick and Karick Stahland reached Level Two.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Kills: 4 Ambush Drakes = 400XP total, 1 Ogre Zombie = 850XP total, 425XP each.
  • Extra 25XP for Skamos Ea: supplied Jill with a detailed story.
  • Extra 30XP for No Luck Nick and Karick Stahland: items processed by the AOS & CEE.

Character(s) interacted with

Culdarian Calendar
4 Swelling Summer

Report Date
28 Jun 2019
Primary Location
Participating Adventurers
No Luck Nick, Skamos Ea

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