The Shard Shunners Organization in The D&D-verse | World Anvil
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The Shard Shunners

The Shard Shunners is the gang of halfling wererats under the control of Rizzeryl, the Zhentarim information broker. They are based out of Skullport but due to their conflict with the Xanathar Guild, they have been pushed to expand their activities into other areas of Undermountain and even Waterdeep.   One of the Shard Shunners was recently interrogated by the Psions of House Oblodra after three of the wererats were hired by Emmek Frewn (deceased) to sabotage Troll Skull Manor.
Guild, Thieves
Parent Organization

Cover image: The Shard Shunners by Midjourney
Character flag image: The Shard Shunners by Midjourney


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