The d&d-verse The Psions Enter Undermountain
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The Psions Enter Undermountain



The Psions of House Oblodra descend the well at the Yawning Portal to enter Undermountain, quickly finding themselves face-to-face with Halaster's simulacrum and the opportunity to ask 3 questions.

The scions of House Oblodra interrogate Dasher Snobeedle, the halfling wererat. He quickly gives up the name of the client that paid for the attack on Trollskull Manor, Emmek Frewn. The scions of House Oblodra extend an offer of employment to The Shard Shunners.   Jarlaxle introduces the scions to Rizzen Dyrr, the new archmage of Menzoberranzan. They stress the need to find a safe evacuation route for the drow city. Jarlaxle wants a reliable way to move larger groups of drow to the surface quickly.   After silently casing Frewn's Brews, the psions discover that Emmek is alone in his room upstairs. Gurren casts sleep, causing the old man to drown in the bathtub. Thus ended the rivalary between Trollskull Manor and Frewn's Brews.   Intent on destroying three Xanathar watchposts in The Dungeon Level (Level 1), the psions toss a gold coin each to Durnan, to climb down the well at the Yawning Portal.   At the bottom of the well, they discover a hidden message written in blood in the elvish language: Beyond the pillar forest, the Mad Mage waits. Casting spells behind magic gates.   After spotting two bugbears down the hall in a room full of pillars, the scions let the bugbears flee south and investigated a mirrored hallway to the west instead. Dispelling magic made the passage safe to travel through. They discovered a bronze mask hidden behind a false mirror.   The bugbears returned with goblin reinforcements. After the psions dispatched the bugbears, intellect devourers craweled out of the creatures' skulls and attacked.   Having discovered Warg's Eye Watch Post, the first of three watch posts maintained by the Xanathar Guild, the psions quickly dispatch the six additional goblins they see down the hallway with a fireball.   After resting in a safe space, the scions discovered that they had missed a room in the watch patch, which they estimate to have housed about 6-10 goblins. The goblins have moved elsewhere in the dungeon.   The scions discover a bas-relief sculpture in an alcove. Carved into the harp in Common were the words, "Gaze upon me with bronzed visage and secrets shall I reveal." Gurren boldly wore the bronze mask and entered the alcove. He was transported to another room.   Gurren found himself standing before the Mad Mage himself. Seated in a high-backed chair, Halaster greets him, “Well, don’t just stand there like a boob. Ask me three questions about Undermountain. Two of my answers will be true, and one will be false.”   Secrets Discovered

  • The Xanathar Guild have three watch posts in The Dungeon Level. You have cleared out one.
  • The bugbears were hosts for intellect devourers.
  • Halaster's Bronze Mask serves as a portal key to the room housing his simulacrum.

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