Kimmuriel Oblodra Character in The D&D-verse | World Anvil
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Kimmuriel Oblodra

House Oblodra

Kimmuriel Oblodra is a powerful psionicist of Menzoberranzan and one of the few survivors of the destruction House Oblodra. Until recently he had often served as the de facto leader of Bregan D’aerthe while @Jarlaxle romped around the surface world.   Jarlaxle sees Kimmuriel Oblodra as a brilliant and powerful ally but also recognizes the emotional disconnect caused by the illithid tadpole in his brain. Kimmuriel's intelligence and psychic abilities are undeniable, but at times Jarlaxle can sense a coldness and detachment in him that is unsettling. He knows that the tadpole could transform Kimmuriel into a mind flayer, an outcome that would mean the loss of his soul.   Jarlaxle cares for Kimmuriel, and worries that one day he may lose him to this transformation, something that would be not only a great loss for him, but also for Bregan D'aerthe. However, despite this potential danger, Jarlaxle still values and trusts Kimmuriel, seeing him as a valuable member of the Bregan D'aerthe and a close friend.   Personality Traits:
  • Constantly seeking knowledge and new experiences.
  • Cold and calculating, always thinking several steps ahead.
  • Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)
  • Power. I strive to become the most powerful being in the Underdark. (Evil)
  • He owes everything to Jarlaxle Baenre, his leader and mentor
  • He is fiercely loyal to the members of Bregan D'aerthe.
  • He wishes to lay the groundwork for his son to inherit wealth and power.
  • He's arrogant and believes that his intelligence and power make himsuperior to others.
  • He's easily tempted by the promise of more knowledge and power.
Current Status
Living among the Illithids of Sept of Ill'Ghact in the ruins of Phanlinksal
Occasionally worships Lloth on a whim
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Kimmuriel Oblodra, Psionicist by Midjourney


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