Essence Material in The Crossing | World Anvil
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The Astralists believe our planet to be the decaying remains of a long-dead star. Essence is the largest argument in their favor. It runs like blood beneath the planet's surface, a silver fire so cool to the touch that it leaves the fingers numb to even come close. It has been bottled, concentrated, channeled into various magical rituals, and still not a single use has been found for it. But Essence runs through everything. At the base of the false peaks, the mountains left behind by the ancients, Essence swells in great pools that rival the sun in brightness, a coalescence of every artery running through the planet--and these arteries can be followed from the peaks to every major source of power in the world, each of which is itself a confluence of arteries. And, some might point out, each of these places of power is a location seemingly built by the ancients, just as the false peaks themselves are.


Material Characteristics

Essence is silver in color, and when bottled warps in seemingly random ways in size and shape. It gives off a bright white light, and is quickly replacing oil for road and travel lamps.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Cold to the touch, so cold that it leaves the body numb, but it seems to do no permanent bodily damage. Researchers have had difficulty determining whether essence is solid, liquid, or gas.


No use has yet been found for essence, though experimentation is currently ongoing.

Origin & Source

Essence comes from beneath the planet's surface.

Life & Expiration

Bottled, essence has proven to have an indeterminable lifespan, though it wouldn't be unreasonable to guess its lifespan as infinite.

History & Usage


Essence was first discovered during the attempt to excavate the false peaks in 319.

Everyday use

It has recently begun to see common use as a light source, particularly in road lamps and the lanterns favored by dungeon delvers. Other uses are currently being researched by colleges in Harvest, Utstyrstad, and Lime.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Astralists believe essence is actually starlight, and that its existence proves their belief that the planet is actually the rotting remains of a dead star. They hold essence to be sacred, and disapprove of its use by commonfolk.

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