The Trans Equitorial Railway in The Court of Seasons | World Anvil

The Trans Equitorial Railway

Connect the world [stop]
  My final message [stop]
  Goodbye [stop]
-Last telegram received from Haesvina de'l'talla ver Coyesin, while she was on the edge of the known world.

What to say about Haesvina, eh? A list of positives, of negatives, or simply eschew the attempt at classification altogether?
  SHe spent much of her early life scraping a living out of the gutters before she got her lucky break and quickly set about building an empire. The employees didn't have so much as uniforms when she started but within only a few months it had built to an impressive stature.
  This stature was quickly leveraged into a rail company that immediately got to work laying down track wherever they could get contracts. For a time, the Coyesin railyards seemed satisfied with that work, and much of the modern world had their rail networks at least partially constructed by Voyesin at some point in their lifespan. Many countries had the whole thing done by them, as the Coyesin railyards offered rather favorable contracts seemingly on a whim, much to the joy or consternation of nations.
  Given the volume of business for the railyard, people didn't immediately notice the side project that had been underway for the company's whole lifetime. They only really took notice when people started putting two and two together about the stretch of rail that had been crawling out into the open ocean. Why were they doting that? Where did they plan to end up? Who could make use of a rail system like that? Anyone? Only a select few listed individuals?
  Despite the laundry list of questions people had for the project, they'd rarely be answered unless the individual asking questions was within the company's office, and even then they would often be ignored or simply placated. All the while that track kept crawling out to sea, following the equator, until it reached the end of the mapped ocean. A break would be taken then and Haesvina herself would sail out to survey the site. She left behind a message for the whole world, to be distributed as she sailed. That is what we opened this passage with.
  The meaning of Ver Coyesin's final message remains a mystery. What she meant for herself or whoever is supposed to pull meaning from that statement. Haesvina disappeared while she was sailing to the map-edge site, along with the whole crew of her vessel. No trace has ever been found.

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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