Corelian Language in The Colossuss Galaxy | World Anvil
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Corelian is the official and most used language in The Core.   Previously it was known as Lufil, as it was the native language of the planet Luft, but when the Empire lost the Colonies Revolution it became more and more famous for its simplicity, so it was purposed as a candidate to a official language of The Core, and it won in a public referendum. It name was changed officially, as it was established as the Corelian Language to give it prestige among The Core planets.

Writing System

It's made of letters, most of them without individual meaning, but also little syllables, which ass a lot of meaning to the word. These last ones are not considered as letters, but because of they having its own category, called Core.   This category includes a lot of still used words, as also as some syllables that help to add context or of meaning to words.

Geographical Distribution

Nowadays the language is the official language in The Core , but it's the main language for trade and tourism in a lot of planets. Luft, Almoir and Almir are some of the planets that have Corelian as a main active language.


Some little words were once the only words in the language, but as it evolved, these words transformed into roots that are still used to add significant to the words. These roots are called Cores, as they serve as the main core of the word, giving it a lot of meaning even without knowing what the word really means. For example:  
  • Yaoka comes from "ya" (friendly salute) and "okha" (meaning that the mesage is going from the speaker to a direct listener). It means something as "hello bud"
  • -Mesica comes from "mest" (sorry), "esi" (without real meaning) and "okha" (same than before)


  • Marrrka pott: from "marr" (potential thread) and "ka" (meaning that the message is going from the speaker to a direct listener) + "pott" (mom). It means that your mom is being threatend. This comes from a time when the affiliates of The Empire used to threaten every single living thing even if they did not cheer them enoughly high.

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