Almoir Geographic Location in The Colossuss Galaxy | World Anvil
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Almoir is considered by far the most advanced and populated world in the galaxy, as it is in the optimal part of the habitable zone of its star, having temperate and tropical locations, perfect for everyone. The fact that Almoir is almost twice bigger than Earth, and has almost the same density, makes Almoir a perfect planet for human life, having more than thirty billion habitants.   Almoir has always been a sign of power, being conquered and bombed multiple times as a demonstration of power, even though its local military is one of the most powerful and technologically advanced, the fact that it has high altitude clouds makes a good scenario for surprise atmospheric bombing.


  Almoir features one moon, called Lumis. It is white, dusty and really pretty. When Lacoms antennas were built, the biggest one was called Lumis because of its moon.


Almoir is highly volcanic, as it has hundreds of archipelagos all over the tropics and some at temperate regions. It has three main cities, which serve as cargo hubs for long range packages and travels. These three cities are Cheve, Montines and Overt.   Deep oceans characterize this planet, once partially frozen, but now full of fish of vibrant colors. Also, big tropical jungles were often cut by construction companies, deteriorating much of its flora and fauna, but since the traditional building materials such as marble and wood were replaced by Adamio it all changed, as the government of The Core dictated that most of its forests were natural and unique habitats. Then the companies left, and tourism exploded in the beautiful natural landscapes of the tropical zones.   In a general sense, the planet is highly covered by forests and has twice the radius of earth, but since it has a low density, the gravity is only 1,5 times earths gravity.

Fauna & Flora

Some creatures can still be found in the wild, but almos 30% of the endemic species are now extinct because of bad hunting regulations and extreme quarantine zones because of infections. Also growing of cities have helped.   Some big creatures walk on the snowy poles and swim on its vast oceans, and lots of tourists are attacked daily because of the fact that they do not respect these peaceful but glorious animals enough.

Natural Resources

Almoir once had lots of natural resources, but almost all of them are depleted now. Massive mining companies bought big terrains with lots of resources and exploited all possible deposits. Once, the planet had minerals as Flaide, Adamio and big underwater pockets of Dakkor and even today those minerals can be found, but nobody tries to extract them because of sulfur impurities present because of old volcanic eras of the planet.
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