Introduction: Green Dimension in The colored dimensions | World Anvil
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Introduction: Green Dimension

The green dimension is the dimension the broodmother and her children have been banned to. The brood mother and her swarm resemble a swarm of ants or termites, as they mostly consist of bug-like creatures, some flying, some ground bound, some burrowing.   The green dimensions energy has a powerful warping and growth effect on plants. It is generally obvious to an observer if a plant has been touched by the energy of the green dimension, because this plant will generally be much larger than it should be. However, the green dimension is also generally hostile and more wild than the human plan. As such, plants touched by the energy of the green dimension will overall become somewhat hostile to humans, or at least hindering.   Grass for example grows longer, but also develops sharp edges a person might cut themself on. Ferns have been observed to grow obscenely large, up to a humans height and ends up trying to prevent humans from passing through them.


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