The coin Mahals Complete
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Mahals Complete

Construction beginning/end


Construction of the Four Temples, the Mahals, is completed.

Construction of the Four Temples, the Mahals, is completed in the 8th month on the 8th day, just after dawn. Court astrologers and priests praise the emperors' glory in song and poetry for 8 days. 888 white oxen are slain and an 8 day festival is held in Onera City.   The event is seen by many historians as the beginning of the Octani faith. Men had never built permanent structures or had a strongly codified religious system, but the creation of the Four Mahals gave people a greater sense of the gods importance in their day-to-day lives. Up until the formation of these temples, the Faen were seen as sorts of demi-gods or servants of the gods, but the faith Men as it would be began here.

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