The Usurper Character in The Coin | World Anvil
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The Usurper

The Usurper (a.k.a. The Lady of Changes)

Known to members of The Octan Faith as a goddess of Rebellion, deception, the overthrow of authority, acts of heresy and individualism. the Usurper is a goddess of rebels and plotters and schemers, as well as those that refuse a direct order or overthrow a tyrant.   The Usurper is perhaps the Forbade most directly involved in the lives of mortals, particularly Humans. While the Usurper is the goddess of traitors and oathbreakers, she is also the goddess of rebellion and free-thinking. Her followers are in a constant state of flux within their own organizations or eventually fall into some form of syndicalism. While there are those amongst her followers who seek to overthrow a specific force, ruler, or norm, there are also those that are philosophers and seekers of knowledge who refuse to accept the known order of the universe to be true by the words of another.

Divine Domains

The Usurper is often associated with Cities and Trickery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A flame-bladed knife, a coiled serpent, a broken manacle. A winged snake.

Tenets of Faith

Paradoxically, the only Tenet of the Usurper is to break rules and shatter preconceptions, to obey no order and follow no leader.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Other Names: “Silazac, The Chainbreaker,” A mythohistoric Cobbodonyr hero that some believe was an avatar of The Usurper.   The Lady of Woe: A title used by many cults to the usurper, derived from a story in the Litany that mentions in passing a woman who poisons her husband and is judged by the All-Father, referred to as "a lady of woe" in the text.
Divine Classification


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