The Alberanin Saber Item in The City of Redemption | World Anvil
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The Alberanin Saber

From wall to wall, tower to tower, the Great King of Myths always knew how the Great City should be. That's why he built his Crypt hidden, and his powerful saber became lost to anyone who could desire it's power.
-Aelderic Brosher, court historian  

The Saber as a Key

  The reason why the Alberanin Saber is such an pursued artifact is because of a legend that surrounds it: many say that the saber isn't only a powerful combat sword, but that it's also a key. Some of the noble families of Zateric theorize in secret that the Great King of Myths hid a way to override control of the City's long deactivated Aether Defense Constructs, and one with control of such systems would be guaranteed to control the City. But to achieve this would be necessary to have the location of both saber and "override key", and as far as it's known, no one has the possession of any of these.  

The Powers of the Saber

  It's said that the saber isn't just a sword: it's an arcane object, a sword crafted from the steel of long gone dwarven forges and with glyphs of the long forgotten elven language. It was one of the great investments made by King Alberan during the planning of Zateric, and one of the many artifacts that were made or seized for the purpose of the City. Despite no one knows the true origin of the saber's powers, many say that during it's crafting the dwarves and elves managed to imprison an angel there, something that would grant the wielder truly divine combat prowess.


There's no artifact as valuable as the sword who belonged to the Great King of Myths. Even though it's location is unknown, it's powers are the object of discussion among scholars and of desire to many powerful people. After all, who wouldn't want the weapon of the King who first dreamed of Zateric?
Item type
Weapon, Melee

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