The Mourning Woods Geographic Location in The Circle of Chains | World Anvil
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The Mourning Woods

A very large area of dense forest and marshes, the Mourning Woods span almost the entire land from Faströnd to the River Slange , between The Drakkenhed and Stillwater Lake .
Known from far away, this country-spanning forest is home to creatures nightmarish enough to drive away most bandits from its borders. Although some area still retain ancient ruins covered in vines, most people don't dare take them as their home, regardless of their desperation, such are the legends surrounding this forest.

Stay away from its depths and marshes,
Follow not the girls or their wailing,
Linger not alone or leave ashes,
In the dark the nightmares are waiting.
Make no more sound past dark,
Don't stare at the eyes on the trees.
Speak not to who carries the mark,
Else part of the forest you'll be.
— Song chanted by children in Marshcross


Although most of its outer terrain is known to the surrounding populace, with occasional written warnings to unwary travelers, its interior is a mystery even to most scholars. The lack of proper expeditions to the depths of this forest leads to a general ignorance of its contents. This makes most adventurers very susceptible to ambushes by whatever roams nearby or even simple accidents in the various marshlands inside the forest.
Most of what is known to exist in the deeper parts of the Mourning Woods is thanks to the closest villages to the forests, which are known to have ancient traditions of performing religious expeditions to its interior. This has led to most scholars being able to determine with some degree of certainty where certain landmarks are located in the interior of the forest.
The most well-known landmarks inside the Mourning Woods are:

Natural Resources

Although the interior of the Mourning Woods is drowned in tales of horror and magic, its outer area is constantly in contact with the nearby villages, as they cut away one tree at a time, in search for the strong wood that the forest provides. With the strong demand for wood from the coastal cities in Farströnd, these villages work as important suppliers and are thus considered valuable territories worthy of military defense when requested.
Although most vendors of magic ingredients claim to get their supplies directly from the interior of this forest, as it is known to imbue its plants and creatures with magic, the amount of expeditions to its interior make these claims more than questionable.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Owning Organization

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