The Siege of Brisckarin Military Conflict in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Siege of Brisckarin

The Siege of Brisckarin is considered by many to be the most bloody and brutal military campaigns in Traith's history. The cities population had been decimated over the course of the six month siege, they had fought valiantly is defense of their lives, freedom and their city.

The Conflict


The Armies of the Obsidian had already conquered the rest of the Toroum, Brisckarin was the only free city to bring to kneel.


Gluxdroon Lord Tyrant of Zarpurazz would be the first to sit on a throne of a unified Toroum.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
16 Themiskal, 6331
Ending Date
46 Xymdrel, 6331
Conflict Result
The Armies of the Obsidian Hand were victorious


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