Staff of Draconic Influence Item in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

Staff of Draconic Influence

     The former High Practitioner Crildoon crafted this staff to aid him in his personal campaign to rid Traith of dragonkind.  This powerful artifact proved to be the pivotal in Crildoons' efforts yet it was the creation of the Staff of Draconic Influence that ultimately made him succumb to the condition known as Mage Mind.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The former High Practitioner Crildoon created this staff to work in conjunction with the Draith Amulet in hopes it would reduce the amount of personal power he would need to imbue in its forging.


There have only been a handful of magic items crated over the course of history that have been able to change the face of the world as its inhabitants knew it. The Staff of Draconic Influence is one of them, crafted and wielded by the High Practitioner Crildoon in campaign against dragonkind. The staff help Crildoon succeed in imprisoning ninety-five percent of dragonkind in a stasis prison where they would stay for the next two thousand years.
Item type
Unique Artifact
The Staff of Draconic Influence is a one of a kind unique artifact there are no others like it.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Crafted from extremely rare materials the Staff of Draconic Influence is comprised of a wooden quarterstaff craved from the wood of a _____ tree found only in the deepest reaches of jungles of the Smuggler's Corridor, one exceptionally molded solid Gold Dragon, one exquisitely cut Amethyst Dragon, and one ornately carved Red Dragon. Possibly the hardest of the components required for the staffs creation was one pint of blood of every dragon type to be effected by the staff.


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