Cartographer Profession in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil


Throughout the ages Cartographers have compiled as much detailed information about the geography of Traith in order to create the most accurate maps. Yet even after ten millennia there are still some unexplored areas on the globe just waiting for an adventurer or member of The Explorer's Conglomerate to discover what secrets it may hold.   Cartographers can often find employment in any number of places. They are frequently employed by businesses, governments, militaries, and adventuring companies as well as universities and private organizations alike.



Most Cartographers find their calling in this field at an early age seek to know what beyond the next hill or river and documenting what they find. Many go on to recieve formal training in the specific nuances of cartography.

Career Progression

Usually after studying at a university a cartographer will apprenticeĀ  a veteran



Compasses, protractor, ruler, spyglass, ink, quills, and parchment at the tools of a cartographer.


Ink, Quill, and parchment are the most common material us in this profession.

Provided Services

Maps, maps and more maps. Whether of the local village, a bustling metropolis, a country, a continent or even all of Traith a cartographer is enough you want to see.
Being a cartographer in and of it self is not illegal most places on Traith but there are some. These places where it is illeagal being in possession of any maps usually manage to have at least one cartographer hiding their true talents.
Famous in the Field


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