The Luxill Krags Geographic Location in The Chronicles of Traith | World Anvil

The Luxill Krags

Located on the continent of Marquest in the central The Southern Plains region. These mountains are the ancestral home of the dwarves of Luxillmar. Their ancestors arrieve hear in the first age and established a kingdom in the and named mountain range after their king and the name has stayed since. The dwarves and the halflings or The Southern Plains formed a deep friendship that's has lasted since and grown to include most of the folk that call the region home.       Other species can be found living in the in these mountains also.

Natural Resources

Copper, gold, platinum, silver and mithral can all be found and mined in the Luxill Krags. The dwarves of the Krags have provided much of the surrounding lands with the stone used in the construction of their settlements. Ornate stone work, marble of many different color are mined, sold, and shipped from the dwarves of Luxillmar.


The dwarves of Luxillmar arrive in the mountain range roughly around the fifth century of the first age. These dwarves conquered the mountain range and founded a kingdom. The first settlement they built was carved right out of the face of the southern most mountain. These dwarves  named the mountain, settlement  and the forest the rests at the base of the mountains after their new king.             Two centuries later that kingdom was attacked by a clan of stone giant that also call these mountains home. For three hundred years the dwarves and giants spilled each others blood. Many dwarves and giant died in the conflict and the numbers on both sides had dwindled some much so that both factions were on the verge of collapse and extinction.      The king of the dwarves sent and invitation to the chieftain of the stone giants offering to form so kind of treaty that would allow both to survive and flourish. The king call upon the neighboring halflings to act as mediators in the peace talks and the halflings obliged. With the help of the halfling the peace talks were successful and the dwarves and giants formed an unlikely alliance that is still honored to this day.
Mountain Range
Location under


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