The Third Cresent in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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The Third Cresent

Government Zone

  A location owned equally by all septums due to its significance of co-ownership between them. It’s encircled by a secondary protective wall. Inside, there lies a conference hall for the Septums to conduct official business between the Houses and Lesser Houses.   Outside of the building, lies house Towari’s information collection center. Dedicated to the collection and distribution of any important information that is necessary to transmit. They function as the local newspaper and emergency system. From storms that could ruin crop yields to today's weather reports and future disasters, they are a fundamental core to the land.   They primarily communicate by sending out birds to the most populated areas of the city and speaking through them to communicate any particularly important messages. Paper messages are not utilized often for fear of the words being animated and striking back at them.    

Military Hub

  The Military Hub is the most secure area in the city and houses its best combatants. It is controlled by the Lower Houses within the Grand Mage Tower.    It lays perched above the Transportation Hub watching for any potential criminal activity. Inside, there is the local military academy tasked with training the future generation.    Attached is an area dedicated to the training and tending of flight-capable creatures. Commonly the flying creatures are used to pull airships from dock to dock for local transportation and are equipped with rebreathers to fly within the vicinity of the Septum Confederation's Spires.    There are also soldiers trained in using them as mounts to attack from the skies or to scout around the immediate area, but they are seldomly used due to their dislike for the Spires and limited usage.     

Grand Mage Tower

  Seen within the very epicenter of the city and set upon its most elevated perch, the Grand Mage Tower is owned by no septums and is seen as a symbol of the Lesser Houses. It is controlled by the Lesser Houses and appointed by three heads that govern it.   As a tremendous repository of information for those who are a part of the Grand Mage Tower, many aspire to join them for their benefit. Hailing from books of various cultures and magical spells, it often entices individuals who are searching for a more holistic approach to magic, rather than the specialization of the other Houses.    Due to the number of people around as a result of it being a place of learning the Grand Mage Tower has also cultivated numerous gardens and parks. Some of these are simply for recreation but others harbor magical plants to be used in alchemical processes.


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