7th Arcane Experimental Division Organization in The Chronicles of Iberia | World Anvil
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7th Arcane Experimental Division


  Years after the presence of Erg had diminished, the city of Grehearth began to invest in the sciences to maintain the various issues that plagued the city.

The Advent of Technological Development

  The solution that eventually came was the developmental Steam Engine created by the The Stoneguards and Grehearth. It was a collaborative effort between the two factions in order to improve their technological prowess.

Unlikely Alliances

Intellectual individuals from around the globe were recruited. Through rigorous selection, only a handful was chosen for this Division. Little is known about their individual names, or who they are. Held in the highest pf secrecy, they remain in the upper regions of Grehearth developing new technology unknown to the world.
  One key factor that is known about these scientists, is that they often wear large masks to obscure their identity and mask their magical presence in the off chance they are recognized by someone.


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