House Rules in The Chronicles of Drakkenheim | World Anvil
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House Rules

  • Flanking adds +2 to attack rolls, rather than granting advantage. This increases by another +1 whenever another ally flanks. Creatures with a Passive Perception of 18+ cannot be flanked, nor can creatures who can see in multiple directions i.e. Beholders.
  • The Help action requires proficiency in that skill. (For example; if you want to help an ally with a Deception check, you first need to have proficiency in that skill)
  • Death Saving Throws rolled in secret (you can right click on the die in D&D Beyond and select Whisper as the option, this means only you and me, the DM, can see the roll. Or roll it physically and send me the result on Discord)
  • When rolling Hit Dice (unless on a Short rest) you can ignore 1’s
  • Drinking a Healing Potion as an Action grants you the full benefits of the potion, as a Bonus Action you roll the HP as normal. Administering any Potion to an ally is an Action.
  • Drawing and Stowing a weapon is a free action
  • If you have the Dual Wielder feat, you can use your action for both the Main Hand and Off-Hand attack
  • Character Backgrounds have a proficiency, feat or similar attached to them.
  • When a Monster drops below half HP they’re considered Bloodied. When they’re below 10% HP they’re considered Mortal.
  • Grease is flammable, any creature in the area subjected to fire takes an additional 1d6 fire damage.
  • Attuning to an item only takes 1 Action rather than 1 hour. Un-attuning takes 1 minute.
  • If you fail a Death Saving Throw and then are healed, you suffer 1 point of Exhaustion. This only happens once per encounter.
  • If you drink a potion whilst under the effect of a different potion, you trigger a Wild Magic Surge and suffer 2d6 points of psychic damage.
  • If a reaction spell such as; Shield, Counterspell, Absorb Elements, Silvery Barbs etc. is cast during the process of casting a spell on your turn, this will interrupt the casting and the spell will fail. For example; you cast Fireball, an opposing Magic User casts Counterspell, if you return with another Counterspell then Fireball will fail as the casting was not complete. This can be avoided with the Subtle Spell Metamagic (as long as the spell doesn't have a Material Component)
  • Material Components that are 100gp or below can be taken off of your gold total. Anything higher will have to be found (bought, stolen, looted etc.)
  • The Haste spell also works on Spellcasters, provided they only use the extra attack for a cantrip.
  • Character subjected to the Reincarnation spell roll on the table below:
01-03 Dragonborn 58-60 Fire Genasi
04-06 Hill Dwarf 61-63 Earth Genasi
07-09 Mountain Dwarf 64-66 Water Genasi
10-12 Duergar 67-69 Air Genasi
13-15 Drow 70-72 Goliath
16-18 High Elf 73-75 Firbolg
19-21 Wood Elf 76-77 Orc
22-25 Half-Elf 78-79 Half-Orc
26-28 Forest Gnome 80-81 Bugbear
29-31 Rock Gnome 82-83 Goblin
32-35 Deep Gnome 84-85 Hobgoblin
36-39 Lightfoot Halfling 86-87 Kobold
40-42 Stout Halfling 88-89 Yuan-Ti Pureblood
43-45 Ghostwise Halfling 90-91 Lizardfolk
46-50 Human* 92-93 Aarakocra
51-53 Tiefling 94-95 Kenku
54-55 Protector Aasimar* 96-98 Tabaxi
56-57 Scourge Aasimar* 99-100 Triton
  • Human: Player may choose Variant or Regular Human
  • Aasimar: Evil characters will become Fallen Aasimar instead


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