Soul Pressure Condition in The Chronicle | World Anvil

Soul Pressure

"When you are at your limit, when it feels like every decision before you will lead to failure with no hope for survival, that is when a true hero is born. In that moment, you must ask yourself: will you succumb to the odds before you and allow your hopes and dreams to be crushed, or will you face what fate has in store for you?"   -Yalon


Soul Pressure is an affliction that affects Champions, inhibiting their mental state and abilities. This typically occurs when a Champion is battling another Champion, or individuals similar or greater in strength. When Champions are dealt a lot of damage, demoralized, outnumbered, or other such things, they will experience the phenomenon of Soul Pressure. Additionally, depending on one's personality type, certain other actions may also trigger Soul Pressure, such as being left alone, or being overcrowded.


Soul Pressure's primary symptom is how it reduces an individual's ability to perform under stressful conditions. An individual under the effects of Soul Pressure will feel their strength draining, their will to function and cooperate normally diminish, and may even suffer specific afflictions depending on their personality type. The effect of Soul Pressure can be multiplied several times if the conditions of it are met multiple times, further increasing the pressure said Champion feels until the maximum level of pressure is reached.    You can visually tell when a Champion is under the effects of Soul Pressure. Once a Champion is first subject to Soul Pressure, a colored arrow will appear over their head, pointing down at them. This is a visual manifestation of the Soul Thread putting pressure onto them. Up to five arrows can appear over a Champion at a time.


Once a Champion has hit the fifth level of Soul Pressure, the amount of pressure becomes two great for any one being to shoulder, and one of two things will inevitably happen. The first, and more common result is that the subject will succumb to the pressure, admitting defeat and allowing whatever fate to befall them, be it death, or worse. The other, less common outcome is that the subject will push back against the overwhelming pressure and will Rise Above it. When a Champion does Rise Above, they will shrug off all negative effects of Soul Pressure, and may even see a boost in strength and ability above their normal limits.

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