Treytenism Organization in The Chromatic Order: Unrehta | World Anvil
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The Beliefs of Treytenism

The most wide-spread religion in Unrehta, Treytenism focuses on the thirteen deities in the Treytenistic pantheon. Its central belief is that existence is divided into seven distinct planes: Planes of Material, Flames, Glory, Wilds, Storms, Night, and the Liminal Space. Much like Elemental Spiritualism, Treytenism seeks understanding of the divine by observing the nature of elements. Where it differs is Treytenists see the dieties as masters of the elements, rather than consisting of elements themselves. There are five primary elements in Treytenism: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Void.  

The Thirteen Deities -

Name (Envalian)AlignmentRankElementSymbolsDomains
Waywren True Neutral Major Earth Trees, Gravestones Nature, Death, Order
Areya Chaotic Good Major Water Spears, Longboats Strength, Life, War
Rey Neutral Good Major Fire The Sun, Torches Knowledge, Light, Forge
Clangor Lawful Good Major Wind Lightning, Clouds Arcana, Tempest, Peace
Feupendal Chaotic Good Major Void Wings, Boots Modesty, Zeal, Trickery
Minithal Chaotic Neutral Minor Earth / Fire The Moon Light, Death
Perrien Lawful Good Minor Water / Fire Lanterns Light, Life
Sarwyn Lawful Evil Minor Water / Wind Hurricanes Tempest, War
Hestelle Chaotic Good Minor Earth / Wind Bears Nature, Peace
Hasteel Chaotic Evil Minor Earth / Water Wolves Nature, War
Nocrin True Neutral Minor Fire / Wind Eyes Arcana, Knowledge
Argon Neutral Evil Malignant Fire / Void Dragons, Volcanos Death, War, Strife, Fury
Troquorn Chaotic Evil Malignant Void Snakes Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery

Sects and Regional Differences -

Treytenism is practiced on the four major continents: Envale , Kai'bal , Entrepidos , and Hjelbregard . Each region has its unique take on Treytenist philosophy.
Religious, Other


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