The chords of chaos Session 131 - Worlds Collide
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Session 131 - Worlds Collide

Diplomatic action

Day 181 to 186

Bari, Sillia, Vaso, Ezra, and Arael speak to a Dragonborn Soul from the Timeless Lands. Vaso helps it by trapping the soul into one of his spellstones, so that Venumbra cannot get to it. A few days later a portal opens up before them, and Garruk, Imrie, and Mikhael walk through. Garruk's power is supercharged by the Dreadlands magic, while Imrie and Mikhael are cut off entirely from theirs. Imrie is able to join with the Lifestone to regain her magic, but Mikhael does not attempt to reconnect with his. The two groups join together, and proceed ahead to fight Venumbra.

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