The chords of chaos Session 55: The Desert
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Session 55: The Desert

Military action

Day 65 to 67

Mikhael, Nura, Lanthem, Imrie, and Garruk venture out into the desert, only to run into a massive army of Orcs. A small band of them chase after them, and they discover that the army is Venumbra's Shadow Horde, and are capable of opening up portals. They quickly kill the Orcs, but more give chase, and our heroes are forced to flee. They push themselves for a full day of running, and manage to cross nearly 90 miles in a single day. They reach Storvo's Wrath, and begin to feel odd in the presence of the bottomless pit. Mikhael flies through the air and finds a bridge that might get them across, but will they get there before the orcs reach them?

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