Captain William "Bill" Mason Character in The Caribbean and Seven Seas | World Anvil
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Captain William "Bill" Mason

Captain William Donahue Mason, II (a.k.a. Bill)

Captain William "Bill" Mason was one of the finest pirates of the Seven Seas. Sailing under a fleet of twelve galleons and twenty sloops, he terrorized the Spanish shipping lines and stole chest upon chest of their gold. He was finally hung by his own port of call, Port Royal, after the British Royal Navy rendered his letters of marque void and forfeit.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Captain "Bill" Mason was still in good physical shape even in his forties, and would regularly move around his ship to advise and order his crewmates. He was tall, tan, muscular, and had an eyepatch on his right eye after a fight with Ol' Smokey.

Specialized Equipment

Unlike most pirates, Captain Bill never carried a blade. Sometimes he had a knife, but as a cutthroat pirate, he believed in the technological advancement that came with firearms, flintlocks, and shotguns. He carried at least three guns on him at all times- the Bosun Bill being his favorite. Despite the Bosun's low accuracy, he was able to shoot it at incredibly far distances, in part to his skill, but also the fact that he tinkered with his own weapons and was a regular gunsmith.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

William Mason was born to a wealthy family in Birmingham, England in the mid 1600's. As a young boy, he worked as a sailor on a merchant vessel off the coast of the British Isles. Living a reasonably comfortable life, William became a part of the East Indian Trading Company at a young age and worked up its ranks. Not long after his promotion to a ship overseer, Mason's company was offered a storefront in the new city of Port Royal, where Mason gladly went in the stead of his company.


William was taught by the finest of schools in Britain before he sailed out for the West Indies. It is believed he was the most intelligent of his privateer peers.


When he first came to the West Indies, William came under the employment of the East Indian Trading Company who was searching for a stronghold in Port Royal . Due to some dispute that isn't well documented, William left the company, and began a life as a privateer.    Joining the ranks of the privateers first on ragtag crews, William was honored with the name "Bill" and the "Bosun Bill" is likewise taken after him. He was a tough and in-your-face sailor and privateer, who took mercy on his opponents while simultaneously being a menacing force on the seas.   At the age of nineteen, Mason captured a beautiful Spanish Galleon, the Dominique, which he renamed to The Adonia (beautiful in greek). The Adonia was and remained the flagship of Mason's fleet, though he'd go on to take several other ships of varying sizes and speeds, all of which he docked at the North Docks, Port Royal  At the height of his career, Mason was captain of an entire fleet of Galleons, Brigantines, and Sloops that terrorized the Spanish Navy and sacked their colonies. He was regarded by his peers as the finest pirate of his age. It is also believed that Mason was one of the founding thinkers behind The Brethren Court and responsible for its early rendition today.   In 1692, the British made a pact with the Spanish, and signed a peace treaty that marked the end for the need of privateers. This ended Captain Mason's career, and likewise his life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

At the height of his career, Mason was responsible for several amazing feats of piracy:  
  • The sacking of St. Francis
  • The destruction of a fleet of Galleons with only six sloops
  • Escape from the Spanish Royal Navy's warships (on nine different occasions)
  • Infiltration of the Grand Admiral of the Spanish Navy's warship and personal quarters (it is also believed he slept with the Grand Admiral's daughter while on board)
  • Shot a piece of eight off a pirate's ear across two ships
  • Safely sailed through the largest monsoon in recorded history
  • Created the finest of Grogs on the Seven Seas
  • Predicted the movements of enemy ships months before their arrival in South America
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
October 15th
Date of Death
May 12
1651 1692
Circumstances of Death
Birmingham, England
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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