Phillip Henderson Character in The Cage | World Anvil
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Phillip Henderson

The Cobra of the Inferno

Phillip Henderson

Phillip is the second child of earth to become a Godslayer and the first to undergo the Godslayer augmentations. He’s the best alchemist in New Earth and one of the best fighters, second only to Erin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medium muscular build.

Body Features

Fair skin

Facial Features

Has a jaw that can cut glass

Special abilities

Can cast sigils and use a Divine Art called Concoct that allows the user to easily identify herbs and create alchemical substances.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears custom Basilisk Tactical Armor.

Specialized Equipment

Carries a titanium sword, rifle and a bomb sash along with a potion case.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Phillip landed in the Cage at night, meaning he was surrounded by demons. Before he could be killed, a man named George Wickett rode in and saved him. When a Wendigo got involved, James McMann had to assist. Phillip began traveling with them and learning the ways of the Godslayer. His Divine Art was preserved and he became infatuated with alchemy. He traveled with George to Nethylor, but was captured by an legion of assassins that raided their home and killed James. He was moved from one hideout to the Temple of Treya with a new ally George had gained, Vivienne Storfal. Both were rescued a week later by George and Kassandra with the help of an Erin Storfal, Lamar Williamson and Zaritain of Dimovska, where George killed Treya. Phillip went on to recieve augments like George and help develop New Earth into what it is today, leading the Viper Corps of the Godslayer Militia.

Gender Identity





High school education. Extensive alchemical training.


General of the Vioer Corps.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Was the first man to live through Zaritain’s newer and more potent mutations.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was easily captured by Treya.

Intellectual Characteristics

High interpersonal intelligence.

Morality & Philosophy

Phillip holds a disregard of fate. He simply doesn’t acknowledge destiny or divinity as a power. He understands that gods are much more powerful than himself, but he sees that they are fallible and are prone to mistakes. He believes that the gods don’t do enough to deserve worship, are arrogant and overestimate themselves. He believes that while someone should acknowledge their faults, it’s important to constantly work towards being better. He pities those who follow an idea of person just based on their alignment.



Personality Characteristics


He doesn’t really care about going back to earth, but he likes being with his friends and wants to help them.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely enhanced senses, amazing tracker. Great at throwing things.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes guns, bombs and drinking, Hates losing and dark chocolate

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal and selfless

Vices & Personality flaws

Addiction to potions, impulsive and insensitive

Personality Quirks

Has developed an addiction to Nigredo, an ingredient in Kassandra’s potions.


On the road most of the time, so he doesn’t really care.


Contacts & Relations

Friends with George Wickett, Kassandra of Nethylor, Erin Storfal, Zaritain of Dimovska

Family Ties

None are relevant

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Confident, charismatic and easy to talk to.

Wealth & Financial state

Hunts divine creatures and demons for coin
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Cobra of the Inferno The Ichor Flame
Year of Birth
12294 P.W. 23 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unwanted pregnancy
Current Residence
Draal Nazar
Black whites and gold irises
Has unruly, dirty blonde hair
6’ 3”
206 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
English and Dimovskan

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