Frgorn Thun Species in The Broken Age | World Anvil
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Frgorn Thun

North of Scranthul along the desolate and rocky coast in amidst the whitecaps of the the bone chilling waters surfs Frgorn Thun in the regional dilalect; the Foaming Death. Appearing as a clump of sea foam being cast about the waves and the wind, it is considered an aquatic cousin to the Amethyst Ooze, but in truth there is no shared biological heritage.   It's touch can cause numbness and very mild paralysis that will last upwards of an hour to the exposed area. To fall into such a mass would incapacitate a full grown man in a matter of seconds and recovery cannot being until the foam is removed, ideally through washing.  Those who have been exposed and survived report blistering and burning of the skin akin to acid burns even after as short a time as 10 minutes exposure.   A scavenger by design, the Frgorn Thun is an opportunistic predator, using it's powers to capture unsuspecting aviary and aquatic life to feed on, but larger Frgorn Thun's have been reported to swamp entire ships.


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