Hades Geographic Location in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven"
— Paradise Lost, John Milton
Hades, alternatively know as the Nine Hells or the Abyss, is the realm of vile evil originally created by Asmodeus during the founding of the brass realms. Since then, the realm has increased both in occupants and size, to provide host to some of the most twisted abominations that can be found within the brass realms.

Planar Travel into Hades always leads into the first layer, Ubatil. Travel out from the deeper layers is perfectly possible and has been an invaluable source of information on the deeper layers and their denizens.

Influx of new souls into Hades is governed by the Pact Primeval, Speciffically by Punishment.


Main Article: Demons
The Inhabitants of the nine Hells are called Demons. Demons are spirits of selfishness and evil. They are one and all immortal and malicious.
The Demons are ruled by their nobility, The Devils. They are the tempters, the deal-makers and much much worse than just the savage demons.


Following is a brief description of the layers of Hades. There is a total of 9 layers, each one referred to as a 'layer of hell'.

1: Ubatil, The Endless Battlefield
2: Ivayok, The Bottomless Ocean
3: Munim, The Green Hell
4: Byathal, The Corpse-Field
5: Axas, The Black Mountains
6: Krunix, The Hell-Forges
7: Ungromorn, The Whispering Depths
8: Pandemonium, The Infinite City
9: Miril, The Frozen Hell

Layer one: Ubatil, The Endless Battlefield

Signature fiends: Lost Souls, Soldier Demons, Demon Beasts
Ruled by: Behemoth, the invincible guardian.

Description: This layer is a blasted landscape of Fire and Lava. The ground and sky of this plane stretch on seemingly forever, with debris of ancient battles as well as small demonic outposts strewn throughout the plane.

In the distance looms a mountain covered eternally in thunderous storms and dreadful gales. Atop this mountain, which is called Olympus, stands a stone archway that leads the worthy towards Mount Celestia, but it is a most perilous journey to achieve.

Inside a deep chasm at the end of the largest river of fire, Behemoth guards the gates to the second layer. He has never been defeated in combat since taking his post, all that went past him either went with his approval or through trickery. Allegedly, smaller passages into the lower layers exist, but these are not well known.

Above the gate to the second layer is written the famous phrase;

All souls arriving in the hells arrive in ubatil and either ascend mount olympus or delve deeper and climb the infernal hierarchy. Angels fight with the demons in the skies of this realm, ceaslessly struggling over the souls in this realm.

Layer two: Ivayok, The Bottomless Ocean

Signature fiends: Corruptor Demons, the Ferrimen
Ruled by: Dagon, Lord of all that slithers in the wet cold darkness.

Description: The ocean of ivayok is dark, cold and so unfathomably bottomless, concealing the beasts that lurk below the surface.
To cross this layer one would need to offer sufficient payment to the Ferrymen or get the approval of its Demon Lord Dagon.
Without either of those things, facing the bottomless ocean is a daunting task, as the demons of the realm will drag any travelers away for an eternity of slavery and torture.

Layer three: Munim, The Green Hell

Signature fiends: Demon Beasts, Vermin Demons
Ruled by: Baphomet. lord of hunger, Prince of beasts.

Description: Munim is a sprawling endless jungle of mountainous Trees, carnivorous plants and dangerous demon Beasts.
The entrance to the next layer is at the center of a massive overgrown stone labyrinth, built by The prince of beasts.

In this layer Lord Baphomet breeds ever more dangerous and monstrous demon beasts, to be used as he desires. It is a great gift to receive one of the Prince's beasts. They prowl the jungles and the labyrinth to make sure none enter this realm that aren't supposed to.

Layer four: Byathal, The Corpse-Field

Signature fiends: Disease Demons, Vermin Demons
Ruled by: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies. Deity of vermin and disease.

Description: Byathal is a true nightmare. This layer is alive, and breathing. The floor is flesh, muscle and skin, the trees are bones, hair and worse, the lakes are saliva, acid, blood and sweat and The roiling hills are filled with blinking eyes, biting mouths and all kinds of orifices.

These lands of roiling, rotting festering flesh, pus and blood is at all times teeming with flies under the command of the lord of this layer; Beelzebub. There is no hiding on this layer, no matter the cover.
On this layer all forms of mortal agony are explored and horrid abominations shaped, tested and released. The entire layer is also filled to the brim with diseases and poisons too terrible to fathom.

Layer five: Axas, The Black Mountains

Signature fiends: Corruptor Demons
Ruled by: Lucifer, Fallen angel.

Description: In these black windswept mountains is where uncountable legions of tortured souls work in indentured servitude. They work in unending torment, as they can never die, to dig up metal that are then delivered to the Hell Forges of Krunix.
Watched over by cruel taskmasters and slave-drivers, it is here where Hell's captives are kept.

Layer six: Krunix, The Hell Forges

Signature fiends: Soldier demons, Fire Demons, Demonic War-Machines
Ruled by: Abbadon, Arch-Devil of destruction.

Description: This Layer of Hell is a sprawl of cut rock and cast steel. It is filled with roads, training grounds and massive forges. The clashing of metal and rumbling of Demon-engines sound never-ceasing. Here the legions of hell are armed and trained.
Here demonic artifacts are created and demonic artisans make those treasures that lure the foolish into the dark crevasses of the world.

Layer seven: Ungromorn, The Whispering Depths

Signature fiends: Shadow demons
Ruled by: Mephistopheles, Lord of dark magic and secrets.

Description: Ungromorn is filled with undiluted darkness, no sun shines in this layer. High mountains and grand buildings lit by fell light are what fill this layer of hell, with everything outside of the light of a lantern being cold and dark.

The mountains and dark skies are haunted by shadow-demons, always on the lookout for any source of light or noise that they do not know. They are well suited to this environment and any fight only attracts more of them, meaning a visitor here best stay silent.

The great buildings of Ungromorn are Mephistopheles' domain. The buildings are filled with books, scrolls, inscribed stone tablets and other containers of information of all sorts. In this layer the grand bureaucracy of the Nine Hells is administrated. Here sorcerous demons and enthralled mortals keep track of souls gained, troops expended, taxes earned, realms subjugated by cults in the Hell's unending efforts to corrupt the multiverse.
Here small tyrants reign with the power of the Infernal bureaucracy backing them, twisting the minds of mortals trying to make their way through the maze-like interiors of these buildings into undiluted madness.
This layer also contain storehouses, armories and everything else that is needed to keep the infernal war-effort running smoothly.

Layer eight: Pandemonium, The Infinite City

Signature fiends: Trickster Demons
Ruled by: Lilith, Lady of Pleasure and Pain

Description: Pandemonium is the safest place to be in all the nine hells, comparatively. It is here the majority of demons live in either sprawling slums or gleaming palaces in accordance to their place in the infernal hierarchy. And while you are still likely to get murdered and or violated in any alleayway you enter, as long as you walk the open streets in view of the law-keepers you will be safe.

Layer nine: Miril, The Frozen Hell

Signature fiends: Elite Demons
Ruled by: Asmodeus, supreme deity of evil and tyranny.

Description: The deepest layer of hell, Miril is a debautched parody of the seven heavens of Mount Celestia. In the middle of a frozen wasteland stands a solitary Mountain upon which looms the grand ivory palace of Asmodeus.
While outside legions of elite soldiers patrol and do drills, inside the palace the lord of Tyranny's most favored subjects spend their time here in unspeakable excess, rivaled only by the pastimes of the lady of Pleasures Lilith herself.
Tortured souls, pleasures of the flesh, food, intoxicating substances and riches, blood-soaked arenas and convoluted mind-games; everything is brought in heaps to be enjoyed by Asmodeus' loyal subjects. Everything goes and the resident demons are granted nearly every wish they utter almost immediately.

In order to get to this place, the creatures here have to commit unspeakable acts in asmodeus' name and prove their loyalty a thousand times over. Indeed, they need to continually prove their loyalty and success, for asmodeus occasionally gives them assignments across the realms, missions in his name. If they fail in their assignments, they will not be let in again until they have redeemed themselves. The demons inhabiting this layer of the Nine Hells are thus unflinchingly loyal to asmodeus and are the Strongest of all demons, excluding the Demon lords themselves.

Asmodeus uses this twisted paradise as a lure to motivate the demons working for him, to tempt them into following him loyally and unflinchingly.
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