Elementals Species in The Brass Realms | World Anvil
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Elementals are incarnations of the building blocks of the material world, pseudo-sentient collections of power.


Elementals are Spirits, immortal soul-stuff attuned to the forces that make up the elements of the material world.
They stem from the Spirit World and are not natural creatures, though they might be found in elemental pockets in the Astral Sea or near extreme collections of their element in material worlds.
Usually however they are summoned by Magic users and not encountered in the wild.

Dissolved and primal: Elemental spirits have no individuality. They are all dissolved into the force and concept that animates and empowers them.
Elementals do not differ from one-another. Elementals can thus merge, combine and split without issue, so long as all participants are of the same element. Unlike most other spirits, elementals also have no names; they don't have enough individuality.
Elementals are not very intelligent or complicated, they follow their primal instincts and nothing more. Their behaviors differ from element to element, though usually elementals seek to surround themselves with more of their element if left alone. Fire elementals set everything they see aflame, earth elementals sit on the ground and remain motionless, water elementals seek out bodies of water and swim in them, etc.

Elder elementals: Due to their dissolved nature, more powerful elementals are simply larger collections of energy. The greatest of elementals, also sometimes called 'elder elementals' are simply the equivalent of the power of many elementals combined into one. These elementals are very rare but are threats to entire cities if angered.

Favored summons: Elementals are some of the favorite spirits to be summoned by magic users of any affiliation.
They are decently powerful, immune to most mundane weapons and easy to control, though they are inadequate for any complex tasks and need constant supervision. The effort to summon greater and greater elementals increases as their power increases, as does the difficulty of controlling them.
If the summoner loses control, the elemental usually rampages through the mortal realms as its manifestation rapidly dissolves.

Most summoners restrict themselves to the common elements of air, water, earth and fire, though other elements absolutely exist, though they are much harder to summon. Examples include lightning elementals, metal elementals, light elementals and more.


Elementals usually are just colelctions of their assigned element. FIre elementals look like pillars of flame, earth elementals like a mound of earth, water elementals like an animate river.

They also share the characteristics of their element. Wind elementals are fast but weak while earth elementals are slow but tough

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