Drono's Warhorn Item in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Drono's Warhorn

This warhorn was used by Chieftain Drono Blackfoot to bolster his troops when fending off attackers. The warhorn is made out of a hollowed out horn of a ram and emits a loud, low tone. Soldiers who have felt the horn's sound resonate within their body describe feeling themselves filled with courage and ready to charge head on with any enemy.   Drono's Warhorn
Usage - Once per day
Requires free hand to use
Two action; manipulate
All ally's within a 30ft radius of the user are able to remove the fear from their hearts. Upon hearing the Warhorn, ally's will resolve 1 level of fear.

Modifications can be made to the item to increase it's range, and strength.
Item type
Unique Artifact

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