Ancient Talisman Item in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Ancient Talisman


Traits: Divination; Consumable; Magical; Talisman
Usage: Worn or carried
Activate: Free Action Manipulate

Requirements: Expert in Nature
Toss the stone into the air. As the stone is tossed into the air, it will hover and glow as it passes your call for help to nearby animals.
By activating this Talisman, you are able to summon a nearby creature to aid you as if using the Summon Animal spell. The exception being that the animal is called from nearby instead of being magically conjured. The stone acts as a translation device to broadcast your pleas in "Beast Speech"(Speak with Animals) to nearby animals. You can call a specific type of animal or call out to any animal. If you call a specific type of animal, but the named animal is not around, a similar animal of that type will come to your aid instead. This will not work indoors unless there is a direct path to you from outside(window, open door, hole in wall/ceiling).
Level of animal you can summon with this talisman is Level 2.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Owning Organization

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