House of Doors Building / Landmark in The Black Door | World Anvil

House of Doors

A pocket dimension designed to act as a prison for monsters. The most complex known implementation of portal magic, it is capable of creating infinite smaller pockets within itself to meet demand. Each pocket can contain the black cores found within each monster that walks the earth, preventing it from drawing magic from its surroundings and regrowing itself.   The House of Doors was built by a loose association of council craftsmen who compartmentalized the construction, preventing it from being reproduced to full understood by any of them. They bound a ghost, Annabelle, to act as the warden and keep record of the prisoners. Until 1977 it was tethered to a victorian house in Seattle, WA in the United States. It was burned to the ground during a mysterious attack. One of the craftsmen, Herr Shlosser was killed in the attack.   Annabelle used this opportunity to rebel against the council, locking them out, and choosing new guardians to protect it and hunt on its behalf.
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