Fen Character in The Black Door | World Anvil


Ahmak Tsun-Fennrael

Fen is a divine emissary of a cosmic power that has been worshipped by many cultures as a god or goddess, specifically of the dawn. She is a tall, strikingly beautiful, strong and agile humanoid with olive skin, large violet eyes, and silvery gray hair. Her kind have been employed throughout the ages as adjudicators, seeking out enemies of the light across the world and 'bringing them to justice'.    Fen has not told any of her earthly contacts, but she has actually been exiled by her kind. The deity who created her is rather mercurial and indifferent to humans, and along with a consortium of other gods plans a ‘renewal’ of earth to atone for the slow destruction of the environment. She is now working for a new patron that helped her escape, but she’s not sure who it is or what they are really after.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Fen is able to fly, conjuring a pair of softly glowing, translucent wings that extend from her back.

Apparel & Accessories

She is able to manifest divine armor as she heads into battle. Flares of white light coalesce around her body and form into shining steel plates adhered to her skin. The plates are shaped to allow for maximum flexibility and minimum encumbrance in battle.

Specialized Equipment

She wields a magical energy weapon known as "The Will of Iratha".

Mental characteristics


Fluid and exploratory

Intellectual Characteristics

Fen is confident,  brave, hopelessly optimistic, and assured of her own righteousness. She tempers this with a childlike sense of wonderment and curiosity at the cultures and mannerisms of humans.

Morality & Philosophy

Fen is deeply concerned about the fight for righteousness, and sees herself as a soldier in the battle. As such, she does not shy away from violence or deception toward those she deems as evil.
Deep Violet
Long and silvery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 4"
Known Languages
English, Hebrew, Sumerian, Celestial


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