Federal Reserve Bank of New York Building Building / Landmark in The Black Apple | World Anvil
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Federal Reserve Bank of New York Building

By Day

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York Building at 33 Liberty Street, which occupies the full block between Liberty, William and Nassau Streets and Maiden Lane in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City, is the headquarters of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It is where the monetary policy of the United States is executed by trading dollars and United States Treasury securities.

  The building also hosts a vault containing the world's largest depository of gold, stored on behalf of numerous government institutions from around the world. Total holdings in 2015 amounted to approximately 6,350 tons of gold. Relatively little of this gold belongs to the United States Government; as of August 2016, the building's vault holds 13,400,000 troy ounces (460 short tons) of gold bullion and $3 million (book value) in gold coins for the United States, a little more than 5% of the United States' total gold reserve.


By Night

The Federal Reserve is controlled by one of the most terrifying creatures occupying the city; A dragon. Perhaps the last of its kind.
Government complex
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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