Barry Fisk Character in The Bay by Night | World Anvil
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Barry Fisk

Growing up in rural Texas in the seventies was as conservative as it came. Not great for a teenage fan of heavy metal and big hair like Barry. Thankfully, the boy also had some talent with an axe himself.   He ran away from home at age 16, heading west down route 66 and never looking back. Eventually this landed him in the bay area where he started the band Possessed.   His name was just starting to take off when he got jumped one night by some Sabbat looking to fill their ranks. The entire motel got drained and buried, the typical Sabbat 'shovelhead' tactic. Those that could crawl their way to the surface were given the chance to join; those that couldn't were doomed to go insane under the dirt.   This particular ritual did not go as planned for the Sabbat, however, as they were fallen upon by the local Camarilla presence and dispatched before their new brethren could dig their way out.   Barry was deemed sane enough to continue his unlife under the wing of the local Brujah clan. They helped him fake his death and transition to the life of a creature of the night; not hard for someone who had already been singing about demons and devils their whole life.   He helped the Camarilla push out the Sabbat in the coming decades but eventually found he had more in common with the local Anarchs like many of the other Brujah.
Gender: Male
Born: 1965
Embraced: 1983
Clan: Brujah
Generation: 12th
Sire: Unknown
Allegiance: Anarchs 