Herne the Hunter Character in The Bastion Realms | World Anvil
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Herne the Hunter

Herne is an ancient god of nature. He is the twin brother of Cernunnos. Herne’s ghostly powers revolved around the decay of the natural world. He could cause a tree to wither and die with a single touch, and could bewitch cattle into producing blood instead of milk. In later legends, he possessed a horn and was accompanied by hounds. Sightings of Herne were believed to be evil omens that portended national disasters and significant deaths.   While Cernunnos represents benevolent nature, Herne represents the malevolence of the nature. In some legends, Cernunnos and Herne are the same god but in others, Herne simply impersonates Cernunnos to tarnish Cernunnos's good name. Because of this, Cernunnos is regarded with suspicion amongst worshippers.


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