Aengus Character in The Bastion Realms | World Anvil
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Aengus was the old god of youth, love, and poetic inspiration. These attributes overlapped with one another, as youthful love often brought poetic inspiration to those within it. His cunning and poetic use of language often allowed him to get the better of his elders.    Aengus’ youth granted him certain powers over life and death, including the ability to resurrect the dead. He would bestow those he wished to resurrect with his breath of life, though the effects were not always permanent. Aengus’ resurrection power was similar to that which resided in his father’s (the Dagba) mighty club.   Aengus has the ability to shapeshift, another attribute inherited from his father, and used this ability to help him find a woman that had been transformed into a swan. His magic allowed him to transform kisses into birds—animals he favored above all others.   Aengus’ appearance was that of a young and beautiful man. He was often accompanied by birds that surrounded his head and acted as messengers and tormentors in equal measure. Aengus’ arsenal included four weapons: two swords and two spears. One sword, Moralltach (Great Fury), was a gift from the sea god Manannan; the other was named Beagalltach (Little Fury). His two spears were Gáe Buide and Gáe Derg.


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