Witch Species in The Barren (New) | World Anvil
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The power resulting from the creation of a soul can be immense, and when a child is birthed there is the chance that they become overwhelmed by their own mana, causing mutations. The creatures who had this happen to them are called witches. Witches, though not impossible to happen to male children, most commonly occurs in female children and cause them to have a great affinity with magic, as well as gain some innate magical abilities, both of which tend to be too powerful for the witch, even in adulthood.  


Because of the difficulty of controlling their powers, witches find each other and form covens. Covens are made up of three witches who dedicate themselves to a single deity or entity with the power to give them more control over their magic. Covens may grow larger but must always be a set of threes. For example, if a coven wanted to grow from three witches they must then gather a total of nine, and then twenty-seven after that.  

Hunter's Notes

Unlike what popular tales suggest, not all witches are cruel creatures that eat children. These tales come from the tendency of witch covens to only be accepted by evil entities but it is completely possible for a witch to be of a goodly covenant, without a covenant, or not be a witch at all. Despite the common appearance of magic in everyday life, there is still a lot that isn't known about it, causing fear in people when something magical (such as a witch) appears which creates the tendency of blaming mysterious phenomena on these creatures. Make sure that you are hunting what you should be hunting, not a poor soul who's been tormented because they were born with magic.

Witches & Lichdom

Whether it be because of a witch's natural magic or not, witches cannot obtain lichdom. Witches seeking more power tend to come up with their own ways to mimic the power of a lich with rituals and instructions from their covenant entity.


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