Tiefling Species in The Barren (New) | World Anvil
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Tieflings are a race that resembles lower-level devils and has minor powers reflecting them.  


Because abyssal forces were forever banished from the Mortal Realm, devils and demons do whatever they can to break their way in. One way is to possess an unborn child conceived under the right circumstances. Tieflings are what result when the possession but not the pregnancy fails. The first child born this way had semi-scaley skin with a purple hue and two thick black horns. Tielfings can also be born from one or more Tiefling parents.  

Demonic Tieflings

Tieflings that resemble devils are what result from failed devil possessions. The result of demons failing a possession is much more horrific, the child becoming a monster the likes of which differ for each possession. Unlike Devilish Tieflings, Demonic cannot reproduce normally.
~80 years
Average Height
5' 9" - 6' 2"
Average Weight
139 lbs.


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