Horatio Luminos Character in The Baazdos Frontier | World Anvil
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Horatio Luminos

“Greetings friends, competitors, gamblers, and monsters alike. I am Horatio Luminos! Curator of beasts, collector of monstrosities, killers, champions...and paramours....
  ”Today we have some new, oh so lovely faces in the arena. Seekers of fortune and glory! Slayers of evil! The mighty ________”
  But the competition is not about the heroes, oh no, the star of the show is the MONSTER.
  The twisted result of a demon lord’s will, the beast with three backs, the ugliest cat since I threw my father from the rooftops, THE CHIMERA!”
  Horatio is a golden lion tabaxi dressed in gilded finery. A self professed “patron of the scoundrels”, he spent his youth making his name as a pirate and smuggler. Horatio is fascinated with novelty, and bloodshed. How he came across such an appropriate outlet for his tendencies towards violence and grandeur is anyone’s guess, but no one can deny his natural knack for the insanity of the arena.
  Each week, Horatio pulls from the stores of monsters and beasts collected by various adventuring groups to run his gambit. The rules for competitors are simple -
  Name your wager from your own funds one healing item per competitor if all party members fall, the match is lost while not lethal, failing 3 death saving throws has the chance of maiming you.
150 chuck + elemental gem (1000)
900 cuin
200 kovys
6 kit
701 Leo
250 payne
Horacio started his life as a pirate and smuggler, but soon found his knack for procuring items paid far more than merely transporting them for others. Over time, the artifacts he procured became more and more obscure, catching the eye of less scrupulous—and less humanoid— clients. He procured items for urgoloths, devils, devas, and demigods, eventually amassing enough of a reputation to become sort of middleman between the trade and smuggling of items across the planes. After signing a contract of trade and exchange, Horacio found himself in a strange no man’s land between good and evil, law and chaos, brokering trade between all sides. The fringe benefits of his station have allowed him to commission a world renown coliseum, with extraplanar delinquents often shunted to his slowly growing demiplane (with a little help from UGT technology) to be hunted and slayed for sport (and to return their essence to the plane they attempted to escape).
Horatio’s ultimate goal is a form of deification - not to be worshipped but to be elevated to a sort of divine broker. Knowing his own flaws would stay his ascension to one of the positive planes, and knowing his casting and sword skills were no match for devils and demon lords, he’s found a sort of loophole - become so important to the flow of souls, money, and followers amongst the gods that they have no choice but to deputize as a demigod, complete with his own (relatively humble) sphere of influence.


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