CC Trading Company Organization in The Baazdos Frontier | World Anvil
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CC Trading Company

Over the past four years, CC’s Trading Company has grown from a one man “operation” to an economic powerhouse. Converting nearly all of the dilapidated structures in the Grulk’s Compromise into functional housing, trade depots, or warehouses, CC’s has completely altered the view of the Compromise. Though the Grulk lineage still holds political power, the Compromise has since been renamed the Trade District. CC’s now employs hundreds of what would have been considered the “underclass” only a few years ago, and has changed the cultural perception of the kobold and goblin denizens of the city of Bastion. Some call the Trade District the new Gold Quarter, as a handful of the richest rich of this burgeoning sector now rival the wealth of the merchants living Underarch.
  Along with the revitalization of the Compromise, CC’s Trading Company has changed the face of the frontier. By opening supply lines across the wastes, the monopoly of the Frontier Coalition has shattered, and a free market has grown in its place. Wildcatters fill the frontier, railroads criss-cross the inner plateau, and homesteads dot the more stable corners of the Badlands. 
  The frontier may never be a truly safe place, but CC’s Trading Company has done its best to at least make the region prosperous and livable.
  In recent years, tensions have flared again between the Frontier Coalition and CC’s Trading Company, beginning with their unionizing efforts within the city of Bastion, and continuing with CC’s current push to democratize the Blackstone mining trade.
Corporation, Commerce


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