Eluthaino in The Awakening Dream | World Anvil
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During the height of Koluthollas, Eluthaino was a loyal servant of Acolitus. He committed himself to research and hunting the enemies of common peace. As the decline of Koluthollas grew worse, however, so did the tyrannies of Acolitus. More innocent Eshan were punished and the freedoms of the Glimmering Ascension were reduced to not. Eluthaino grew to hate his former master, and departed from Voryndal to reacquire freedom.   After defeating Jenanqir, Eluthaino attempted to seek safety amidst the great expanses of Othos, which was in those years quite uncivilized. Yet, he did not anticipate the vigor of the native peoples. Odyrzid warriors caught sight of Eluthaino’s great scale and immediately sought to hunt him as a great beast.   Acolitus was not done hunting Eluthaino after Jenanqir failed. Instead, another warrior was sent. Qalas was his name- a former companion to Jenanqir and ally of Eluthaino. These developments were unknown to Eluthaino until Qalas was in Othos. It was then when another Eshan named Iloya made alliance with Eluthaino and offered the new of Qalas’ advance. Eluthaino chose to fight, managed to gather some Esheryne resources, and defeat Qalas in battle.

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