The Droid Gotra Organization in The Arkanis Sector | World Anvil

The Droid Gotra

During the Imperial Era, the group included repurposed battle droids by the year 14 BBY. These combat units had what some considered legitimate grievances against the Galactic Empire for having been abandoned after their service during the Clone Wars. The Gotra recruited Q2-B3KO, an articulated holographic color separator who produced propaganda supporting the Separatist Droid Army during the Clone Wars, to disseminate messages of mechanical emancipation.   In 14 BBY, the Empire's base on the Sentinel moon came under attack by insurgents using Separatist equipment and droids. The installation's commander, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, initially suspected that the Gotra was responsible, but found it unlikely that they would make use of obsolete weapons to send a message to the Empire. Phoca Soot, the Coruscant Security Force prefect of level 1331, hired himself out to the Droid Gotra instead of controlling crime within his sector. However, his duplicity did not go unnoticed and he was executed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader as an example to Coruscant's criminal elements, advising them to relocate their operations to sectors in the galaxy's Outer Rim Territories, lest their activities infringe upon Emperor Palpatine's designs.   Around 13 BBY, the Droid Gotra were attempting to place a foothold on Corellia.   In 0 ABY, the Droid Gotra hired the rogue archaeologist Doctor Aphra to recover the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix, which could turn a protocol droid into a torture specialist, and the prototype BT-1 assassin droid on their behalf.[11] They also meant to have her liberate a droid factory from Karina, a Geonosian queen who survived the Empire's sterilization of Geonosis. Although successful in retrieving the droids, she instead turned them over to Darth Vader and helped him secure Karina's droid factory, as he needed personal troops for his own ends without the Empire knowing.   The Cyban Front, an organization who worked with the Droid Gotra, were hired to participate in the auction of the Rur crystal[6] so it could be destroyed due to its technopathy abilities. Their attempt was unsuccessful, and the two Cyban Front droids were destroyed during a skirmish on the Sorca Retreat.
Political, Activist