Shine, Paladin of Ïllume Character in The Arengold Forest | World Anvil
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Shine, Paladin of Ïllume

Of all humans, none are more loved than Shine.

A glorious follower of the God of Light, Shine has taken on a personality apart from his fellow Paladins of Ïllume's Mercy. Rather than providing generous but sometimes unwanted community service, Shine follows evil wherever it might lie, becoming the hero of many different communities. His tall and wide form is relatively easy to find, considering his Arengold Bark Armor has the insignia of Shine displayed on the chest.
He doesn't talk much, though he does always spend time to say hello to his fans. His legacy proceeds him quite a bit, and it seems that he's somewhat intimidated by the attention. However, any who see him in action know his blade is unflinching.
His blade, Ïllume's kiss, is said to have been given to the man by Ïllume himself, and is capable of banishing darkness and evil from a long distance. If that is not a sign of his divine power, nothing can be.
Date of Birth
Day 213
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown parents
Long blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin
267 lbs

The Journal of Geizun Nutabe, Halfling Necromancer 2950 PW At last! At LAST!
I have done it! It lives! None believed me when I told them I could create life without the will of Filli or Ïorreg!
They granted us far too much power when they gave us the Arcane! By grafting together the parts of dead humans, I have given this corpse life! Hell, it even heals normally! This is no mere undead zombie creation; it is life!

2965 Okay. Don't panic.
So, perhaps my Beast has left. Who knows? It had free will, I'm a Nomad by nature. It just left. That's fine! It has free will. I'm sure it will fit in just fine.
Dammit, I just killed my new life. :(

2990 I've learned that my Beast has become the Paladin Shine. It seems that, despite the fact that it was not brought to life through the Gods' will. It has been accepted by the Pantheon, and by the society that I was certain would slay it. Perhaps that is just because he hides his true, Fleshwarped origins...
Perhaps there's a chance for redemption after all.

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