Lilyfield Settlement in The Arbour Coast | World Anvil


Lilyfield is a sprawling halfling joint community, nestled at the mouth of a majestic river that flows into the vast coastline of The Dread Expanse. This idyllic settlement is surrounded by natural beauty and is known for its unique ecological marvels. The river itself originates from the deep and dense Alder Maple Forest to the west, where the vegetation flourishes, growing larger and more vibrant than anywhere else. The most striking feature of Lilyfield is the river itself, adorned with enormous lily pads that dot the water's surface, lending the community its distinctive name. These giant lily pads create a picturesque landscape, offering enchanting scenes as they sway gently in the current. The halflings of Lilyfield have learned to navigate these waters with finesse, utilizing boats and bridges to connect the various districts and clans that make up their joint community.   Lilyfield itself is a bustling hub of activity, with charming halfling homes nestled among the built up mounds and winding pathways. The architecture reflects the halflings' affinity for organic shapes, with houses featuring curved roofs and intricately carved wooden details. The streets are lined with vibrant flower gardens, and the aroma of wildflowers and sea salt fills the air.   The community thrives on a strong sense of unity and cooperation. The halflings of Lilyfield are known for their agricultural expertise, cultivating the fertile lands surrounding the settlement and reaping bountiful harvests from fish farms they cultivate. They have also mastered the art of fishing in the river, taking advantage of the abundant marine life it supports.   Lilyfield, with its breathtaking natural surroundings and vibrant community spirit, is a haven of peace and harmony for the halflings who call it home. It serves as a testament to their deep connection with the land, the river, and the bounties of nature that sustain them.


Lilyfield boasts a diverse halfling community intricately tied to the river's mouth. Farmers and fishermen thrive amid the oversized vegetation, while skilled navigators adeptly steer boats through the giant lily pads. Festivals celebrating nature and the river's bounty punctuate their yearly rhythm, fostering a communal spirit that resonates through the crafts of artisans who draw inspiration from the nearby Alder Maple Forest. Community councils, reflecting the cooperative ethos, convene to discuss matters crucial to their agrarian and river-centric way of life.   In addition to the halfling majority, a small yet impactful elven presence enriches Lilyfield's cultural mosaic. These elves contribute unique insights into sustainable living and harmonious coexistence with the environment. Known for their botanical expertise, some elves play pivotal roles as herbalists, enhancing the community's understanding of the Alder Maple Forest's flora.


The halfling community of Lilyfield employs a unique defense strategy that capitalizes on their intimate knowledge of the river and their nimble, seafaring abilities. In response to the looming threat of sea monsters along the coastline, the halflings have crafted a fleet of agile, small-sized ships designed for maneuverability. These vessels, expertly navigated by skilled halfling boatmen, are adorned with intricate carvings and weavings that pay homage to the pantheon, instilling a sense of protection.   When faced with sea monsters, the halflings utilize their small stature to their advantage, deftly piloting their ships through the labyrinthine channels of the giant lily pads and out into the white caps. The halfling boatmen, known for their exceptional agility and familiarity with the unpredictable waterways and currents of the sea, can outmaneuver the larger sea creatures with ease. These vessels are also equipped with cleverly designed crossbolts and nets, enabling the halflings to entangle and divert the sea monsters, preventing them from reaching the heart of Lilyfield.   In addition to their naval defenses, the halflings maintain a network of watchtowers along the coastline, staffed by keen-eyed sentinels who signal warnings to the community at the first sign of approaching sea monsters. Lilyfield's defensive strategy is not solely about repelling threats but also relies on an early-warning system and the ability to navigate the river swiftly, ensuring that the community remains resilient in the face of the unpredictable dangers that lurk along the coastline.    Lilyfield employs another inventive strategy to secure their shoreline. Large seahawks, trained and bonded with the community, take flight as vigilant guardians. These majestic creatures, with wingspans casting shadows on the coastline, serve in an aerial patrol capacity. Halfling caretakers, well-versed in avian communication and coastal navigation, form a watchful network that surveys the expansive shoreline. This aerial patrol system, coupled with the enduring influence of the Eternal Flame on their maritime crafts, showcases the halflings' comprehensive approach to defending their community.

Industry & Trade

Embracing innovation to sustain their coastal community, the halflings of Lilyfield have pioneered the development of fish farms along the riverbanks. Using their intricate understanding of the river's ebb and flow, they have crafted a series of floating platforms tethered to the shoreline. These platforms are equipped with nets and enchantments designed to create controlled environments for fish cultivation. The fish farms not only ensure a stable and diverse seafood supply for the community but also contribute to Lilyfield's self-sufficiency.   Adding a touch of ingenuity to their aquaculture practices, the halflings have enlisted the help of trained sea otters as invaluable allies in corralling schools of fish. These intelligent creatures, beloved for their playful nature, have been adeptly trained to work in tandem with the halfling fishers. Using specially designed nets and guided by the otters, the halflings can efficiently and sustainably manage the movement of fish within the farms.


  • River's Hill Embrace: The heart of Lilyfield, the River's Hill Embrace District, is nestled along the banks of the river and features a bustling waterfront among built up mounds. Here, colorful halfling homes nestled in the mounds with curved roofs and intricate wood carvings overlook the river, connected by a network of charming bridges. The district is known for its vibrant flower gardens and communal gathering spaces, where festivals celebrating the river and nature often take place. Skilled boatmen and fishermen call this district home, and it serves as the main hub for river-related activities and trade.
  • Alder Canopy Quarter: Named after the towering Alder Maple Forest to the west, the Alder Canopy Quarter is characterized by tree-lined streets and wooden homes integrated seamlessly with the surrounding vegetation. The district is home to artisans and craftsmen who draw inspiration from the forest, creating beautifully carved wooden goods and intricate weavings. Family trees, revered by the halflings, are scattered throughout this district, serving as focal points for gatherings and ceremonies that honor the natural world.
  • Lily Pad Enclave: Situated where the river widens, the Lily Pad Enclave is a district defined by its unique floating platforms and shops built on stilts. Lily pads of various sizes are tethered together, creating a buoyant community that rises and falls with the river's movements. This district is known for its skilled navigators who expertly guide boats through the labyrinth of giant lily pads. The Lily Pad Enclave is a hub of river commerce, featuring marketplaces where halflings trade goods and stories.
  • Sentinel's Watch: Along the coastline, the Sentinel's Watch District is dedicated to the defense of Lilyfield. Watchtowers are manned by vigilant sentinels who keep a lookout for sea monsters and other potential threats. The district also houses training grounds where halfling defenders practice their nimble combat techniques and coordinate strategic responses. This area plays a crucial role in maintaining the community's safety, and its defensive structures are adorned with symbols to Fidelis.

Points of interest

At the heart of Lilyfield stands the Hearthglow Square, a radiant and sacred point of interest that pays special homage to Kintar, the Hearth Keeper. This enchanting square features a large, ornate hearth built with stones from the Alder Maple Forest, intricately carved with depictions of flames, halfling families, and the protective spirit of Kintar. The hearth is a focal point for communal gatherings, festivals, and important community events.   What makes Hearthglow Square truly unique is the Eternal Flame of Kintar, a perpetual fire that rumors to never extinguish. The flame symbolizes the halflings' unwavering dedication to keeping the community whole, just as Kintar ensures the warmth and unity within their homes. The square is a place of solace and inspiration, where halflings gather to share stories, celebrate their familial ties, and find comfort in the perpetual glow of the Hearth Keeper's flame.   The reverence for the Eternal Flame of Kintar extends beyond Hearthglow Square and finds a meaningful place in Lilyfield's maritime endeavors. In every crafted ship that sets sail from the riverbanks, the influence of the Eternal Flame is palpable. Halfling shipwrights meticulously incorporate carvings of flames, small hearths, or symbols representing Kintar into the vessels' structures. These intricate embellishments not only showcase the halflings' dedication to their Hearth Keeper but also serve as a symbolic assurance of safety and unity during sea voyages.   Furthermore, some skilled shipwrights go a step further by incorporating a small flame within the ship's hearth. This flame, kindled from the Eternal Flame of Kintar in Hearthglow Square, serves as both a practical light source during night voyages and a spiritual connection to the community's guiding principles. Halfling sailors believe that the Eternal Flame's essence aboard their vessels not only brings them physical warmth but also ensures the collective spirit of Lilyfield accompanies them on their maritime journeys.
Population Density
Halflings - 92%
Elves - 8%